Resident Assessment
Protocols (RAPs) are part of this process, and provide the foundation upon
which a resident's individual care plan is formulated. Resident
Penilaian Protocol (RAP) adalah bagian dari proses ini, dan memberikan fondasi
yang rencana perawatan individu penduduk adalah dirumuskan.
MDS assessment forms are completed for all residents in
certified nursing homes, regardless of source of payment for the individual
resident. formulir penilaian MDS diselesaikan untuk semua warga di rumah
jompo bersertifikat, terlepas dari sumber pembayaran untuk warga individu.
MDS assessments are required for residents on admission
to the nursing facility and then periodically, within specific guidelines and
time frames. MDS penilaian diperlukan untuk penduduk di masuk ke
fasilitas perawatan dan kemudian secara berkala, dalam pedoman spesifik dan
kerangka waktu.
In most cases, participants in the
assessment process are licensed health care professionals, usually Registered Nurses ,
employed by the nursing home. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, peserta dalam
proses penilaian perawatan kesehatan profesional berlisensi, biasanya
Terdaftar Perawat , dipekerjakan oleh panti
MDS information is transmitted
electronically by nursing homes to the MDS database in their respective states.
MDS informasi yang dikirim secara elektronik dengan perawatan rumah ke database
MDS di negara-negara masing-masing.
MDS information
from the state databases is captured into the national MDS database at Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS). MDS informasi
dari database negara ditangkap ke database MDS nasional di
Centers for Medicare dan
Medicaid Services (CMS).
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